Over the last decade I have been filling my toolbox and sharpening my super power in order to create opportunities and resources that encourage people to live intentionally and connect authentically. 


My goal is to normalize sharing our growth process and doing personal development with a community. 

Who said we were supposed to figure things out on our own? 

Who decided that we were supposed to have things figured out in the first place? 

For someone who is just starting their personal growth journey, there are two places I recommend you start:

Personal Coaching

This option is for the person who:
Not only do they not know the direction they want to go but also don’t know where they are
Needs someone to check in with them weekly to make sure they are keeping their commitments.
Feels uncertain about if getting help is the right step for them. 

Join a Vision Mastermind group

This option is for the person who:
- Has dabbled in personal development but feels overwhelmed with how many options there are
- Is motivated by encouraging comments from strangers (soon-to-be friends) online
- Works well independently and can set their own goals and stick to them

Remember, these are just starting points for your personal growth, and it is okay if it takes some time to get used to this process. Many of us have gotten used to feeling alone in the process, so receiving support externally might feel awkward, and growth, in general, can be challenging.

Just know if you are here, reading this, you have already taken a huge first step in your personal growth.. Now that you are aware that it is okay to ask for help, and that there are resources built to help you thrive, what are you going to do with that information?

I sincerely hope I will get to meet every person who comes across this page, and that we can encourage each other’s growth in some way. We are in this together.

Much love,

Annette Betting-Fuentes


Want to learn more about Annette?

To know me is to know I am not one of these versions, but all of them all at once. Humans are complex and our titles are never enough to describe the many parts of ourselves. I hope this gives you a picture of who I am, and that you are inspired. to reflect on the many sides of your own identity that you carry with you.

Select any of the titles below to learn more >>>>