Music a language my soul speaks - a connection to an inner self that otherwise can get lost in translation. I believe that is the reason music allows us to create deep connections with humans who would otherwise be strangers. Through music, our souls can be fluent.
Music has been a big part of my life since I was a kid and my dad would sing us songs to sleep or we’d sing on our long car rides. The first song I ever wrote was probably in 5th grade, and since I’ve written dozens of songs, mostly incomplete.
At one time, I stopped singing and writing out of a lack of self-belief in the gift that I had, or the value of spending time on my passion.
I thought, “If I’m not going to be a big singer, why spend my time on this.”
I also thought, “my voice doesn’t sound like [insert artist name] so I am not good enough to sing.”
Now I actively send love to the younger version of me who had these thoughts.
Not the One For You - 2008
Written about an 8th grade “boyfriend” after he said he loved me and I told him he didn’t know what that meant. Little Annette had the guts to perform this song at the talent show in front of the whole school where said boy was likely in attendance.
Better - 2011
To this day, one of the only ‘happy’ songs I’ve written with an upbeat message about being silly and in love.
Reveal - 2013-2021
This song literally took almost 10 years to finish. When I was living in Mexico City playing at a park with a new friend I found a song I had started writing in 2013. As I tried to remember how the song went, the rest of the song wrote itself that night and it was suddenly complete.
Congratulations - 2019-2021
Another incomplete song that I always came back to but didn’t know how to continue because I loved the beginning so much. Now, with the addition of a Spanish continuation, although short - it now feels complete.
Perform in front of strangers
Professionally record an original song
Make music with others (jam sesh anyone?)
After years of telling myself I didn’t deserve to use the title of musician, I am working on taking ownership of this part of me. I say working on it because Little Annette still wants to hide and deny that part of my identity.
I think some of our identities are easier than others to take ownership of. It doesn’t make it any less part of me, and won’t stop me from continuing to create and challenge myself to share.