Chances are, you are here because you already agree with the title statement: knowledge is power. Last week we shared some of the lessons this year has taught us. These lessons we were either taught by people close to us, learned on our new favorite social aps, or the hard way - through making mistakes.
There are a few other options for learning and staying curious. Today we are going to talk about books. I have to be honest - before this year the last book I read in its entirety was in high school. But this year I was enthralled when the Alchemist was an assigned reading. What’s more, books have the power to spark ideas, create conversations and deepen our understanding.
What is a book you read this year that was impactful?
What was the lesson? How have you applied it?
Now that I have a newfound appreciation for reading I’m wishing I was a speed reader. There are so many books on my list of must reads that it is hard to know where to start. Instead of succumbing to analysis paralysis let’s start to share our personal favorites and why. By building this list and our key take always we can all better decide which book to dive into next.
What book do you recommend the most? Why?
What is the main lesson?
For anyone who doesn’t love reading yet - don’t worry. I have some suggestions on where to start to dip your knows in the knowledge without the overwhelm.
See you Monday!