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What is a mastermind?

Napoleon Hill coined the term in his 1937 book Think and Grow Rich. He explains that a mastermind is, “the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

Simply put, we all benefit from sharing knowledge in productive spaces.  We might not be experts in all fields, but we all have something to contribute and something to gain.  This is a space for those ideas to be shared, for people to inspire each other and hold each other accountable to visions.


Second Mastermind

April 26th - June 28

Group mastermind info
Independent mastermind info
Vision Mapping info

Included in Group MAstermind


Weekly sessions

The most valuable hour of your week we spend together. We hear what everyone is working on, share ideas on how to improve or surpass hurdles and practice accountability.

Mastermind resource library

Mastermind Material

You have access to a library of helpful tools, articles and videos that we are building together. It is curated based on needs and suggestions that come up during our group's conversations.

mastermind connection and relationships with people

New Connections

This is not field specific so you are guaranteed to meet someone outside your field and your region. We don't have in-person event right now of course, but be ready for when we can!


look forward to

  • Getting excited for Monday’s all of a sudden. (Who knew?!)

  • Connections with some outstanding people all over the world.

  • To be challenged possibly [hopefully] outside your comfort zone.

  • Check-ins throughout the week to keep your vision on track. Yes, accountability.

  • Fun. The journey is the joy and will have fun together along the way.



not ready to sign up?

While I KNOW The Vision Mastermind is a transformational experience you don’t want to miss out on, I’m not here to convince anyone. Please reach out with questions and join the mailing list for updates.

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My vision for myself this year is to continue exploring and sharing my most authentic voice.

Hopefully this inspires you to do the same ♡